#LocalBusinessOwners make up the backbone of a #community, giving it the lifeblood that keeps the #AmericanEconomy functioning. For every dollar spent at a #localbusiness, at least 68 percent funnels back into the #localcommunity. It was a #PLEASURE, to recently assist the following #local #business owners with #relocation or #lease renewal.
*ABCO Shredding
*All Other Animals, LLC
*American Precious Metals, Inc.
*Anthony Bates Foundation
*Arizona Actors Academy
*BC Logistics, LLC *Biltmore Psychiatric Group
*Clearskin Institute of Laser Aesthetics, Inc. *Comfort Keepers In Home Care *Consulate General of Ecuador *David Eisenberg, PLC *Desert Edge Mentoring Services *Dieterich Architectural Group *Douglas M. Liebman Estate Jeweler *Family Transitions *Faussette and Faussette, PLLC *Grant N. McKeehan, PLC *Jamal Allen, PLLC *Jose Bracamonte Law *JR Filanc Construction Co. *Kegan, Linscott & Kenon, P.C. *Lang & Klain, P.C. *Nevoa Life Sciences, LLC *Nexem Staffing *Pope & Associates, P.C. *Stephen J. Anthony Law *The Finders *The Harding Firm *Wright Law Offices, PLC *Zenith Pro Holding, Inc. *Zeus, LLC